Susan (Narrabeen, NSW)
It’s called the “New Way to Stay” and to me it offers a “better way to stay”. It’s a united approach aimed to reduce any overwhelming and stressful process for when a loved one or yourself need care. Louise Mace tackles these issues in a professional, calm and trustworthy way. I have lost both my parents who needed care and found the last information evening provided me with great tips and an introduction to a business that could tackle real issues like no other organisation can.
The upcoming seminar will prove that you are not alone and that support is available. Things that a person doesn’t always consider may become very important. It made me think about my own future and how I could now plan better options to maintain my quality of life. I strongly suggest to anyone to go to an information evening to hear and learn about the “New Way to Stay”.
– Susan, June 2018
(Image: iStockphoto)